If you have been considering getting a Utah Concealed Carry Permit, now is the time to act. Currently the Utah CCW Permit is the MOST HONORED permit in all the nation, valid in 34 states and counting.
Our Concealed Carry Instructors are certified by the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification to teach Utah Concealed Carry Permit Classes and by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to teach select NRA classes.
PA Permit with Utah 36 States, Ohio and Utah 37 states
Concealed Firearms permits in the State of Utah are regulated by the Bureau of Criminal Identification. A permit to carry a concealed firearm in the State of Utah may be obtained by completing the instructions, and meeting the requirements as outlined on Form 96-4-02 Application for Concealed Firearm Permit. Click here for application
Email Us If Your Interested In A Class In Pennsylvania or Ohio.